Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I was Born Brilliant, Google Spoiled Me

How Useless has Google Made us?

Google's mission statement "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," has in many ways rendered our memory power useless.

While Google as a company climbs the success ladder higher with its knowledge repository becoming bulkier by the day, our brains are getting lazier at an alarming rate.

Google is the undeclared universal knowledge opium. Once you are on it, you sure have signed the satanic contract not to store anything in your brain and to Shift+Delete your temporary memory folder as frequently as you pee.

I won't find it so offensive if Google were meant just to augment our knowledge, but it is not doomed to be so according to Eric Schmidt who without blinking declared the war cry "The goal is to enable Google users to be able to ask the question such as ‘What shall I do tomorrow?’ and ‘What job shall I take?"

Is Eric Schmidt hinting that we all should consider Google as god and that we place the Google logo in our homes and burn incense and do puja every day?

Likely!!! Yes, let us all start worshiping this giant search engine logo for spoiling our brains. Will someone refresh my memory regarding how knowledge was amassed inside human brains before the blooming of Google? Will someone also tell me who earn the revenue that Google ads is earning now?

Tell me only one example that we don't need to Google for without Googling? Are you too dependent on Google like me? If the answer is positive, you too need to change your Gmail signature to something similar to mine; "Sent via Google Mail service (gmail); if there are any grammatical mistakes or typos complain Eric Schmidt & Google."

Thanks to Microsoft for providing spell check feature in MS Word, else I'd be Googling all the words written in this post to proof read... including even the simple words such as was, is, the, of, so, etc.......

No thanks Google for making my brain latent but, I won't stop using you as you won't stop spoiling me no matter what!!!!

Are you Googled too???