Friday, August 17, 2012

Tangkhul Surnames: Literal Meanings

In continuance with my collection, I now want to blab something about Tangkhul Surnames. You might want to check out about Funny Tangkhul names too, please do. This post is intended not as mockery but is puzzle cracking attempt to find meaning of surnames that are hard to interpret. I strongly believe that all surnames have their stories of origin and unique meanings and interpretation, which I will not be able to provide here. What I am trying to do here though, is an attempt to churn out the vocal meaning of the titles.

Asai: (A = He/She Sai = Rocks) Literally this means 'He Rocks.'
Awungshi: King's Blood
Chiphang: There Meet
Chahongnao: Tea Plenty Child
Chithung: There Temper
Duidang: Word Scarce
Falingwo: Dog Cultivation Grandpa
Gachui: High/Burning
Horam: Snow
Hongchui: Migrate Burn
Hungshi: Red
Hungyo: Red Nice
Jajo: Tea Request
Jagoi: Dance
Jamang: Tea Drink
Kamkara: Waist thread
Kapai: Easy/Wild Pear
Kaping: Strong
Kasar: Old
Kapudang: Kapu Scarce
Khamrang: Stop Black
Khangrah: Carry/Frying Pan Bring
Kashung: Gentleman
Keishing: Rear Cunning
Khashim: Sweet village
Khashimwoh: Village Sweet Grandpa
Konghar: Butterfly
Khongreiwo: Neighbor Big Grandpa
Kumrah: Year Come
Layam: Girl Run
Longvah: Flow Go
Lunghar: Stone
Luikham: Field Stop
Luiram: Field Village
Luithui: Field Go
Machinao: Salt Child
Mahung: Not Red
Makang: Not Burned
Masainao: Empty Child
Muinao: Itchy Child
Muivah: Itchy Go
Mungvah: Rule On
Mungshon: Rule Forever
Ngakang: Burned
Ngalung: Stone
Phazang: Good Included
Pheinao: Leg Child
Pheiray: Leg Big
Pheirim: Leg Ambush
Phungshok: Carry Out
Raman: Field Weed
Raihing: War Shine
Rainam: War Impose
Raingam: war Rich
Raiping: War Strong
Raleng: Come Dare
Ramsan: Village Counsel
Ronra: Round Water
Ruivah: Now Go
Rimai: Front Face
Risom: First Settle
Rungsung: Thrust On
Rephung: First Carry

Sangkhro: Long Let
Sareo: Meat Pluck
Sayai: Meat Throw
Seipainao: Cow dung child
Sharon: Hear Gather
Shaizak: Eat Exact
Shatsang: Cut Put
Shishak: Unhappy Meal
Shimray: House Big
Shimrah: House Come
Shimzing: House Below
Shinglai: Cunning Shallow
Shingnaisui: Cunning Near Rumor
Shaiza: Eat and Eat
Shokwungnao: Out King Child
Solo: Praise
Tangvah: Locality Go
Tallanao: Trumpet Child
Tuikhar: Word Sprout
Themsah: Brilliant Make
Varah: Will Go
Varam: Go Village
Vashi: Go Blood
Vashum: Go On
Woleng: Grandpa Dare
Wungkhai: King's Knife
Wungzek: King Discuss
Yangya: Look OK
Zimik: Sun
Zingkhai: Heaven Knife
These are some of the common surnames of the Tangkhul Naga and their literal meanings. Borrow some pure sense and mind of humor to laugh or cry after reading this crap. No offense intended, my surname is one of the funniest in the list. Laugh away time! What's in a name?

The Discovery of Tobacco (All For Humor)

The history of tobacco says the plant is native to North and South America, but doesn't say anything about the person who discovered it and smoked it first. This unjust history is disappointing as it fails to give due credit to a great discoverer. He deserves a mention in history as much as Christopher Columbus who discovered America, smoked tobacco, brought back tobacco to Europe and popularized it. Here is the story of the person who discovered tobacco.

Long long time ago, many many sun and moons away from today, in a cave on earth lived a group of human beings. They don't have proper names as they were yet to invent something called language. The members communicate using signs and weird sounds. The group eat meat of wild animals hunted by the male members in the group, and roots and leaves gathered by the women folk from outside the cave.

After living for five years in the cave someone in the group accidentally invented fire by striking two stones. This was when everyone in the group were inspired to make more discoveries. There was sort of a mad competition among the male members to compete inventing new things. Many inventions were made within a matter of few months. Thus the group started using new tools and the cave was transformed from just being a rusty hole to a very advanced dwelling place.

Among the male members there was one cunning and lazy fellow who was never keen on competing with others. He seldom go out for hunting and spent most of his days sleeping and eating. He has all the excuses for not contributing in the welfare of the group. One day as he was strolling lazily outside the cave he saw some strange leaves covered with sticky starch. He smelled the pungent leaf, pluck it and crushed it to ascertain the taste. The taste of the leaf numbed his tongue. He plucked few leaves to play some dirty pranks on others. He went back to the cave and gave to some in the group and asked them to taste it telling them it taste heavenly. He even told them the juice can be applied to cuts and injuries.

No one liked the taste and even the smell. One man in the group who had a cut on his leg applied the juice on his cut and howled like a wolf due to the excruciating pain. However, miraculously the wound slowly got healed. This was when the people in the group started believing the plant has medicinal value. The credit for the discovery without doubt went to the lazy fellow, which made him to ponder on finding more about the leaves' utility.

So, one day, he went and plucked some leaves and dried them in the sun and on the fire. When the leaves were dried, he was not sure what to use the leaves for. He took one of the dried leaves and rolled it while he kept on thinking. He lit up the tip of the rolled leaf and watch it burn slowly and saw smoke coming out of the other end. Out of sheer curiosity, he took a puff of the smoke and his mouth became numb for a while. He took a second puff and with that puff he felt some lightness in his head. He was feeling happy, others who were watching him throughout thought a strange thing would happen to the man. Nothing happened, but from then on he was seen rolling up the dried leaf and puffing on it frequently.

Others in the group soon started smoking the dried leaves and the leave came to be called tobacco. This is the story of how tobacco was invented. Ekk, is the name of the person which means 'the lazy sleep monger.'