Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Can you imagine a computer without the mouse? Maybe not for some years at least. This makes my love hate relationship with the mouse to last longer for now. This post is for mouse haters like me who long to live a mouse-less life but use it anyway for kingdom sake. Here are some basic keyboard shortcuts for windows users that would reduce some mouse addiction. Why was it named 'mouse' in the first place? Anyways!!! Here we are with some shortcuts I used frequently as if I invented them.

Operating System-Level Shortcuts
Alt + Tab (Toggle between programs)
Windows button + D (Show desktop, i.e., minimize all windows)
Windows button + M (Show desktop, i.e., minimize all windows)
Windows button + Tab (Show or toggle between active windows in task bar)
Print Screen (Screen capture for image conversion)
Windows Button (Open applications menu)

Browser Shortcuts
Ctrl + T (Open a new tab)
Ctrl + Shift + T (Reopens the tab you last closed; works multiple times)
F5 (Reload page)
Ctrl + R (Reload Page)
Backspace (Go to previous page)
Ctrl + Tab (Toggle between opened tabs)
Ctrl + Shift + Tab (Toggle backward between opened tabs)
Home (Go to top page)
End  (Go to the end of page)

Common Application Navigate, Find, Select, etc.
Ctrl + F (Search and find in document or webpage)
Ctrl + Shift + down arrow (Select until end of line)
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow (Select until beginning of line)
Ctrl + End (Go to the last page)
Ctrl + Home (Go to the top page)
Ctrl + B (Bold face/Unblod)
Ctrl + E (Centralize text)
Ctrl + L (Left align text)
Ctrl + R (Right align text)
Ctrl + I (Italicize/un-italicize
Ctrl + Print (Print command)
Ctrl + O (Save a copy as)
Ctrl + K (Place hyperlink)
Ctrl+ Z (Undo last operation)
Ctrl + Y (Redo last operation)
Crtl + O (Open file)
Crtl + S (Save)
Ctrl + W (Close active window, file or quit application)


Ctrl + A (Select all)
Ctrl + X (Cut to clipboard)
Ctrl + C (Copy)
Ctrl + V (Paste)
Alt + E + S (Paste Special)

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