'If you can dream about it, you probably can do it' makes a lot of sense in forcing yourself to achieve anything in life. The
rule book of success does not define that only people who know the theories and
practical of subjects should succeed in life. It is not necessarily a college
certificate that makes a person great but having the right amount of motivation
and passion to do something plays a mightier role in pushing a person to
achieve great things and to create history. Steve Jobs, a college dropout who
founded and headed one of the richest Software companies, Apple is an excellent
example of achieving unfathomed greatness all because he was driven by the
correct motivation and the right level of passion. If you have motivation to
achieve something, you are bound to achieve the goal overcoming the frustrations,
hurdles, rejection and resistance you may face on your way to success. “Remembering
that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help
me make the big choices in life.” This is what motivated Steve
Jobs to do what
he did based on his Stanford Commencement speech. Here are 10 ways to boost your motivation level.
1. Follow
your Heart. A friend of mine who is a professional chef has this
cliché “If you know how to cook but don’t want to cook, do not cook as the food
would not taste good.” I conjure this cliché is applicable for executing any
type of work. If you have the passion of doing something, that itself is the
first and most important step towards executing the task to successful
completion. You need to love what you are about to do. That is the first
motivation you’ll ever need to have a smooth sail all the way.
2. Set
Achievable Goals. Breaking down the main task into smaller tasks and
setting achievable goals makes the main task appear less strenuous. If your
goal is to plant fruit trees in one acre, the objective is best achieved if you
plan out how much trees you should plant and how much ground you should cover
per day.
3. Laugh at yourself when you
fail. When you
face failure, learn to laugh at yourself heartily without losing hope. There
cannot be success without facing failure. By laughing at yourself in good
faith, you make a mockery of the failure in order to achieve self realization.
4. Learn to praise yourself. Even if others fail to ascertain the
greatness of what you aim to achieve, this should not be the reason for you to
sulk and feel dismayed. In such situations, the best thing you can do to
motivate yourself is to praise yourself. If necessary, shout out some of these
phrases loud “I am good at this, I am strong, I can do this.”
5. Be optimistic. Most of us have the tendency
of visualizing only the cons side of things even before starting a task. This
is a real killer towards achieving the final goal. ‘Be optimistic’ is the code
word for achieving your objective.
7. Let someone know of your
commitment. If
you have made a commitment to execute something, it is recommended that you
should let someone know about it. This way you have an observer who will know
the outcome of your venture. You’ll have someone who will laugh at you when you
fail and celebrate with you when you succeed.
6. Follow routine and rituals. For successful execution of
any work either small or big, following a routine and rituals is a good habit
that aids in systematic execution of work. This adds discipline to what you are
about to do and gives you the much required confidence.
7. Overcome your fears. Fear of failure should not be
allowed to lurk in your mind. For this you need to be well organized in your
thinking and action.
8. Reward yourself. Whenever a milestone is
achieved, celebrate in style to boost your spirit. Let others also know of your
9. Visualize obstacles and find
solutions. It
is a very healthy practice to visualize the pros and cons of everything that
you do. For the cons, you need to be prepared with the most suitable solution.
Well planned works are less likely to fail because of the preparedness in
solving the problems. When possible problems are detected before hand, it is
more bearable dealing with the unforeseen ones.
10. Always give your best
shot. Most of us have the tendency of categorizing work using
some unseen yardstick taking into account the level of importance and
criticality of the task. While it is good to prioritize work, it is detrimental
to define the level of concentration for executing tasks depending on their
importance. Make it a habit to give your best shot in everything you do and
you’ll never regret the outcome.